List of Affordable Health Insurance in Florida

Posted in 7th of September 2024


Affordable Health Insurance in Florida - Health Insurance is essential to both you and your budget.

If you have heard of or have read about health insurance in the past, one constant thing in all those is the price tag.

There is no joke that health insurance is usually very expensive but now, we have a compiled list of companies that offers health insurance at a cheaper rate that can be affordable to all.

We will be focusing most of our attention on Florida to tell you how health insurance works, what it covers and what it doesn`t, and a few good companies that offer it for cheap in Florida.


Affordable Health Insurance in Florida

What is Health Insurance?

Health Insurance is a type of coverage that partially pays for any health-related cost you incur.

Unlike car insurance, you aren`t required to have health insurance. However, it is required for you to have some kind of coverage to protect you from bearing the cost of your prescription and medical care on your own.

You make a flat payment rate to your health insurance company every month in exchange, your health insurance company covers a percentage of your medical care costs after you reach your deductible.

A deductible is the amount of money that you need to spend before your health insurance kicks in and starts covering your expenses.

Once you reach your deductible, you only need to pay your coinsurance which is a small percentage of care costs.



Affordable Health Insurance in Florida

Average Cost of Health Insurance in Florida

The average Floridian pays $393 a month for health insurance premiums if they have an individual plan. The average premium of $1,021 per month if you have a Family plan.

However, the specific amount you will pay for coverage depends on several factors ranging from whether you smoke or not to your plan type.


Affordable Health Insurance in Florida

Types of Health Coverage

There are multiple types of health coverage. The type of plan you choose will dictate how much you pay, whether you a referral to see a specialist, and which health care providers you may see.


1. Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plans

HMO plans require that you only see doctors, specialists, and health care providers within the organization Network.

You cannot see any healthcare providers outside of the network and you must get a referral to see a specialist.

HMOs are the most affordable type of plan, but they give you the least amount of freedom to choose which care providers you see.


2. Preferred provider Organization (PPO) plans

PPO offers a network of doctors and specialists but does not require that you see them. You will pay an additional fee if you see a healthcare provider outside of your Network.

You don`t need a referral to see a specialist outside of your network. PPO plans are usually more expensive than HMO


3. Point of Service (POS) plans

POS plans are a mix between HMO and PPO. You can see doctors and specialists out of your network like the PPO plan however you will still need a doctor`s referral to see a specialist like the HMO plan.

POS plan can allow you to see the health care provider you want at a reduced rate compared to PPO.



Affordable Health Insurance in Florida

Cheapest Health Insurance Providers in Florida

There are a lot of cheap health insurance Providers but we bring to you the ones that are not just cheap, but the best.


1. Aetna

Aetna is one of the most affordable health insurance companies in Florida.

It offers low-cost individual, family, and business plan options.

ACA-approved plans are available for as little as a few hundred dollars a month and make Aetna one of the best Health Insurance choices for those living on a budget.

Aetna also has a student health plan if you attend a 2 - 4 year University.


2. Humana

Humana offers both HMO and POS plans in Florida at competitive rates.

Plans from Humana are also one of the lowest if you are over the age of 45.

Some of Humana`s affordable plans also include home health care, a rare addition to ACA-required plans. Medicare plans are also available to those who qualify.


3. Florida Blue

Florida Blue is a subsidiary of Blue Cross, a nationwide Health care provider.

Florida Blue offers PPO plans which give you the most freedom to choose your doctors and health care service providers.

This can be beneficial if you have a chronic condition or a long time relationship with a Health Care provider and you don`t want to begin treatment with a new doctor.

Florida Blue offers subsidiaries to help you reduce the cost of health care if you are living on a fixed income.

Florida Blue ACA-compliant plans also include free preventive care like physicals, vaccines, and mammograms.


4. Cigna

Cigna Health care plans are affordable and include all ACA-compliant benefits.

Four out of five people who choose a Cigna plan qualify for a federal subsidy to lower their premiums.

Cigna`s plan includes free preventive care, you will pay nothing for medically necessary vaccinations, Health screenings, and even some preventive prescription drugs.

You can also unlock discounts on gym memberships, health clubs, and more to help you maintain your health.

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