Sexual Crimes

Posted in 7th of September 2024


sexual crime

Sexual crimes have become more rampant than usual and are one of the most serious issues in our World today. According to Indian law.

As defined literally, it means that there is sexual force upon someone without any consent. This victim can be a child, adult, male or female, young or old irrespective.

Sexual assault can be verbal, visual, or anything that forces a person to join in unwanted sexual contact or attention, for women this can include: 

  • Inappropriate touching
  • Vaginal, anal, or oral penetration
  • Attempted Rape
  • Rape( sexual intercourse without consent )
  • Child molestation

And while our society is well aware of female victims, often male victims of sexual assault are forgotten or neglected to shame, stigma, and the likes of it. Some may find it surprising that at least 1 in 6 boys is sexually abused before their 18th birthday. The public and some healthcare providers may hear the words men and sexual assault and automatically assume that men are the perpetrators.

Somehow seeing men as the targets of sexual violence is difficult to comprehend.

According to Julie Schwetert Collazo, a staggering number of men are victims of violence by females or even males Nowadays, everyone has a reason or another for committing a crime that the law can consider. But, in all sense is there any true justification for sexual assault of both male and female victims, especially child molestation?

In my own opinion, I think it`s just a way to humiliate, debase, and hurt their victims; For some rapists, rape becomes a way to compensate for their underlying feelings of inadequacy and feeds their issues of mastery, control, dominance, strength, intimidation, authority and power.

Following the report of a $32 million sexual harassment settlement by top-rated Fox News host Bill O`Reilly, here are other payouts for sexual victims who charged they were sexually harassed:

  • Ani Chopourian vs Catholic Healthcare West (2012)
  • Ashley Alford vs Aaron`s Rents (2011)
  • Gretchen Carlson vs Roger Ailes (2016)

Sexual assault is not peculiar to any particular race or socioeconomic class

The World Health Organization reports that  one of every five women is a victim of assault 

But, the regions of the world with the most reported rates of sexual and physical violence are Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia

Studies by LASUTH, Show that In Africa, 5 to 15 percent of females report a forced or coerced sexual experience. In South Africa, the prevalence of rape, from community reports shows a figure of 2070 per 100,000 per annum. In Nigeria, cases of sexual assault are increasingly reported. Lagos, like other megacities, predisposes its women population to higher risks of sexual violence.

The reported incidence of sexual assault in Nigeria varies depending on the study, design and methodology. A study in Ibadan showed that 15% of young females reported forced penetrative sexual experiences, while a 13.8% prevalence rate was found in female Maiduguri students. True incidences are inaccurate and often underestimated since sexual assaults are underreported by victims because of the associated stigma. Adolescents and toddlers remain the most vulnerable requiring life-skill training for protection.

Survivors delay in presenting for care. Therefore, public enlightenment on the benefits of early intervention and comprehensive care of survivors with the use of standardized protocols are recommended.

Organizations to contact 

  • Center of sex offender management
  • National crime prevention council
  • National sexual violence resource center.

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Against sexual abuse